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I’m A Myanmar Civilian Turned Jungle Guerilla Fighter

Thousands of anti-regime activists in Myanmar have flocked from urban areas to the jungles to seek r ...View More

Myanmar Spiralling Into Violence | In Conversation | Noeleen Heyzer UN Special Envoy To Myanmar

Since the shocking military takeover one year ago, Myanmar has spiralled into terrible violence. Pov ...View More

Will The Current Conflict Plunge Myanmar Into Its Darkest Era? | Insight | Full Episode

A year after the February coup, Myanmar remains mired in chaos and turmoil. At least 1400 people hav ...View More

How Tough Is Singapore Prison Life? | Inside Maximum Security - Part 1/4 | CNA Documentary

For the first time ever, six inmates, incarcerated multiple times and at least once at maximum secur ...View More

A look at Myanmar one year after military coup

On Feb 1 in 2021, a power grab sent Myanmar into a spiral. Armed forces seized control of the govern ...View More

Thousands of civilians train to fight back against Myanmar's military

Around 700 people are said to have fled from Myanmar to a Thai border town, after a flare-up in figh ...View More

Inside Taiwan’s Phone Scam Rings | CNA Correspondent

Taiwan's phone scammers have gained global notoriety. By some underground estimates, there are more  ...View More

Myanmar In Crisis: Can The International Community Do More? | Insight | Full Episode

More than 6 months have passed since the February military coup ended Myanmar's experiment with demo ...View More

The Long, Hard Road Of Drug Rehabilitation - Singapore, Malaysia & US | CNA Correspondent

Battling drug addiction is a long and rocky road. As the drug scourge grows, countries are trying to ...View More

Inside The Gem Trade: Pigeon’s Blood Ruby | In Search Of Precious Stones | Ep 2/4 | CNA Documentary

Juggling assignments, gemstone dealer and jeweller Shahzeem Pasha toggle among deals. What's top of  ...View More

Hunting Down A Royal Blue Sapphire: Inside The Gem Trade | In Search Of Precious Stones | Ep 3/4

Singaporean gemstone dealer Shahzeem Pasha is thinking about Sapphires, the stones with which he beg ...View More

Beyond Borders: Myanmar Refugees Seek Chance At Better Life | CNA Correspondent

Three months since the coup in Myanmar, neighbouring Thailand is bracing for a potential humanitaria ...View More

First 100 Days Of Joe Biden's Presidency: An Asian Perspective | Insight | CNA Documentary

On January 20, 2021, Democrat leader, Joseph Biden was sworn in as the 46th President of the United  ...View More

The Deadly World Of Philippines' Offshore Gambling Syndicates | Undercover Asia | CNA Documentary

In the Philippines, we uncover the inner workings of human trafficking syndicates who con Chinese na ...View More

Defending Myanmar's Democracy: The Protestors, The Peaceful & The Fallen | CNA Correspondent

The voices of defiance, heartbreak and caution over the crisis in Myanmar. Our correspondents speak  ...View More

Military In Politics: Myanmar | Insight | Full Episode

In the early hours of February 1st, 2021, the Myanmar military known as the Tatmadaw seized power of ...View More

Military In Politics: Thailand | Insight | Full Episode

Since the 1932 revolution which ended 150 years of absolute monarchy in Thailand, the kingdom has ha ...View More

Bangladesh's Battle With Water: Can It Save Its Climate Refugees? | Once Upon A River

Bangladesh is battling to stay above water. By 2050, one in every seven people in the country will b ...View More

Myanmar Coup: The End Of Myanmar's Fragile Democracy? | Insight

After a 10-year experiment with democracy, an unexpected event occurred in Myanmar. On February 1, 2 ...View More

Myanmar's Chin National Army seeks asylum in India amid military coup - Know all about CNA #UPSC

Enrol to StudyIQ's Flagship UPSC IAS (Pre + Mains) LIVE Foundation Batch 9. Admissions closing on 10 ...View More

Myanmar Coup: What's The Impact On Foreign Investments | Money Mind | Business Uncertainty

Myanmar's military seizes power - will it be business as usual and what does it mean for ASEAN? For  ...View More

Myanmar Election 2020: A Look Back At Aung San Suu Kyi's Leadership | CNA Correspondent

Myanmar heads to the polls on November 8th, amidst one of Southeast Asia's worst COVID-19 outbreaks, ...View More

Myanmar Election: Will Aung San Suu Kyi Regain Power With Another Landslide Victory? | Insight

Myanmar's leader, Aung San Suu Kyi is an iconic figure who dedicated her life to bringing democracy, ...View More

Thailand Takes To The Streets As Myanmar Prepares For The Polls | CNA Correspondent

Myanmar, a country just starting to open up to the world, is now gearing up for its second free elec ...View More

Cambodia's Temple Kingdom | The Mark Of Empire | Angkor

A thousand years ago, the Angkor Empire conquered large swathes of Southeast Asia to become one of t ...View More

Thailand's Ancient Modern Kingdom | The Mark Of Empire | Ayutthaya

The city of Ayutthaya was the capital of a mighty empire that once controlled large parts of Myanmar ...View More

Myanmar's Unifying Kingdom | The Mark Of Empire | Bagan

The Bagan Empire was first to unify the territory of present-day Myanmar under Burmese language and  ...View More

What are domestic helpers really doing on their phones? | Talking Point | Episode 36

According to the International Labour Organization, 53% of maids in Singapore do not enjoy mobile ph ...View More

Myanmar embassy in Thailand under siege | The Negotiators | Full Episode

In 1999, armed rebels seized 89 people in the Myanmar embassy in Bangkok. Thai negotiators must stop ...View More

Myanmar's Lethwei - the most brutal combat sport in the world?

Lethwei is known as the Art of the Nine Limbs - it's an ancient, violent and bloody full-contact com ...View More

Scam Town, The Chinese Village Where Nearly Everyone's A Phone Scammer

BMWs, Porsches and mansions dot Chang Keng village in Anxi, where just a few years ago, farmers in o ...View More

Turning Myanmar Street Kids Into Chefs | Champions For Change | CNA Insider

Many of Myanmar's children end up on the streets from domestic abuse and poverty. But in Yangon, Khi ...View More

Spying On Maids With CCTV Cameras: Safeguard Or Too Much? | Talking Point | CNA Insider

1 in 5 domestic workers in Singapore lived with surveillance cameras in their place of work, accordi ...View More

How will China's New Silk Road shape Myanmar's economy? | The New Silk Road | Full Episode

For decades, China was the main economic outlet for a Myanmar squeezed by Western sanctions, making  ...View More

One Village, Two Countries, No Border | The New Silk Road | CNA Insider

At the China-Myanmar border, there is village that is half-Chinese and half-Myanmar. The side on Chi ...View More

Blood Jades: The Dark Side Of Myanmar's Jade Trade With China | The New Silk Road | CNA Insider

The jade trade between Myanmar and China is worth an estimated US$30 billion a year - about half of  ...View More

Becoming Mr Ban's Friend | Across ASEAN | CNA Insider

At first, Sofia was just a tourist from Singapore, and Mr Ban a tuk-tuk driver plying the streets of ...View More

The Lady and The Rohingya | Insight | CNA Insider

Why has Nobel peace prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi not spoken out for the Rohingya in Myanmar? Here ...View More

Sackfuls of Millions | Money Mind | CNA Insider

'I'd like to deposit S$5 million in cash, please.' Just a day at the bank in Myanmar, where people p ...View More

Cast Out To Die | Myanmar's Elderly Poor | CNA Insider

Cast aside “like rubbish” and turned away even by nursing homes, these elderly outcasts are given di ...View More

House Of Love | Myanmar's Elderly Poor | CNA Insider

"They treat us like their own parents or grandparents.” How a small group of volunteers in Yangon, M ...View More

A Time For Inter-Faith Unity | Ramadan In Asia | CNA Insider

Civil organisations in Myanmar are using the month of Ramadan to conduct inter-religious activities  ...View More

Portrait Of A Migrant Worker | CNA Insider

Nyein Chan is a migrant worker who left Myanmar for a job as a sales assistant in Dubai. Previously  ...View More

Myanmar Thadingyut Festival Of Lights | CNA Insider

It is a day that marks the end of a month-long period of lent for Buddhists in Myanmar. When the moo ...View More

Passive Investing: The Evidence the Fund Management Industry Would Prefer You Not to See -- the independent voice of passive investing A remarkable 54-minute fil ...View More

ShweTube, Collection of Myanmar Youtube Videos